Monday, September 24, 2007

Game One: I-Spy Round Eight!!

I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter "T"!

CW is the WINNER!

"tripod" can you find it?



princessladyjane said...


Anonymous said...


@miccoelaine said...

lol!! too many people haha.. answer is not out yet :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm just amazed... you are one of the most beautiful girls i've ever seen. and your voice is so pleasurable to hear. and you play the guittar. and you look like a really nice person. and you like nintendo!
i mean... are you even real? i'm starting to think you are just a ilusion... are you a invention of my head?
i may be moving to your blog and starting to live here.

princessladyjane said...


@miccoelaine said...

beto: hey takes one to be interested in making herself sociable and attractive. Not an easy job there! haha!

I don't mind if I'm just an illusion. Sometimes it is better that way...

Oh if by any chance you need a sleeping bag to camp my guest. I'll make space for you. :)

It's very very very sweet of you to have dropped by and said all that. Very flattering. And yes, I like nintendo and I do as many things as I can to be able to talk about as many things as I can. Beautiful? It's the skill of reverendtimothy the photographer. He spends a lot of time using anything he can find in the house to make the picture look good :)

I honestly don't know how to take that compliment. I am bad at it when it is about "pretty" or any of that sort. :P but for those that I put effort into making it real...I'll say thank you.

Anonymous said...

i don't think he needs to look for anything else in the house but you. you and nothing else. you don't even need to be close to the camera. you could stand 500 feet away from the camera and the picture would still be beautiful if you were in it. even if it was just the back of your head! you really are beautiful, i mean, your eyes are just...

well... i think it's better if i stop with all the compliments. i didn't wanted to make you ambarrassed or anything like that. it was just an impulse... i read your blog and saw your pictures. i just had to write to say that.

... actually, after i published my comment i thought, "man, are you crazy?! did you just send that?!". i don't usually do that.

you are very sweet for answering. and i probably will accept your sleeping bag. if i snore, let me now, and i move to the blog next door. "petr@'s day", according to blogger... yeah... and i'm sure is really fun there.

@miccoelaine said...

beto: Thank you...You made my day. I'm speechless and smiling. :)

IF you snore you can go sit on my other craft website Craftworm or Nerd Craft! You can sleep with Super Mario at nerd-craft and use my scarfs from Craftworm to keep you warm. I'm very hospitable, you see! haha!

Do you have a blog or website?
P/S: The back of my head?! o.O? I don't have eyes there. lolz. I've seen pretty girls from the back. Scary at the front. I lost the link. haha!

Anonymous said...

yes, i do have a blog: yours!... oh sorry, i forgot i'm just a guest. how rude. :)

then no, i don't have one. but maybe i should.

and you are not scary at the front, neiter at the back. beautiful on every side. even the back of your head is. (that's what i meant when i wrote it).

i don't think people will take it very well if i tell them i'm "sleeping with mario", you know? they have such a dirty mind these days. luigi would be shocked with the rumours.

i bought a scarf, like, one week ago. if i only knew your blog then, i could have bought one of yours. but they probably would take a week to get here anyway. lol.

question: if i buy a scarf, the cats come for free?

@miccoelaine said...

Buy a scarf takes a week. Buy a kitten takes few months. No free cats. :P

You don't need a blog. You can sleep over. If you're bored just go through the archives. lolz!

How did you find my blog anyway?

Anonymous said...

i was looking for some images on google, than i saw your picture. i think it was in yout deviantart page. after that, i just had to see your blog. the link was somewere on the page.

then i spent the next hour or so reading your archives and watching your videos, then i wrote the comment ("did you just do that?!"), then you answered, and here we are.

i feel like i really am living here. lol. this comment box is starting to look like a chat room. it's fun :)

ok... let's negociate. and if i buy two scarfs, do i get at least a kitten? do i have to wear the scarf with the cat, or can i use them separately?

what do you do for a living? modeling?

@miccoelaine said...

No :P No free animals! Btw, it'll be better if you start your new lounge chatroom with the moon. Fancy a lounge with Moon wallpaper? lolz.

What image were you looking for? hmm...

I'm studying in Australia. I'm from Malaysia. I don't really know what I do for a living. Perhaps what you read is what I do :)

Anonymous said...

then you should be paid overtime. isn't 4:00 am there? don't you ever sleep or is it because i'm making too much noise in your blog?

what do you study?

i don't remember what i was looking for. i think it was pictures of some singer. i completely forgot after seeing you :)

all these messages and i don't even tried to guess what you spotted in the picture. t-shirt, maybe?

@miccoelaine said...

beto, is that your name? Yes. I was awake slightly later last night trying to complete my T-shirt design for my Deviant Art gathering tomorrow.
Were you looking for Kim Ah Joong? Coz that's the only possibility since I blogged about her song.


Anonymous said...

Ohh...the answer is not out yet? i totally forget about it..i was reading your conversation with beto.

@miccoelaine said...

hehe :P Glad you enjoyed the convo :P haha he's not a tenant in my virtual home. He has to pay rent. lolz. I haven't told him that yet.

Anonymous said...


i'm starting to feel like a spammer with all the comments.

princessladyjane said...

the number 3 (three) for third floor

Anonymous said...

telephone ??

@miccoelaine said...

hehe Keep trying!

princessladyjane said...


princessladyjane said...

Tiles on the floor

@miccoelaine said...

I shall give clues. Not ground floor. It's an Object.

Anonymous said...


@miccoelaine said...

Gratz my friend CW :)